
WHAT TO EXPECT: Before Surgery

Can I eat or drink before my surgery?

Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before your procedure, this includes no gum, candy, tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs after midnight. You may have clear liquids up until 2 hours prior to your arrival time to the surgery center. Clear liquids include: water, Gatorade, Powerade, Coffee without milk/creamer, Tea without milk/creamer, and Apple or Cranberry juice.

If your anesthesia for surgery is topical only (no anesthesia), which is the case for most cataracts, you can eat a light breakfast the day of surgery and take your medication as prescribed.

When will I receive my time of arrival?

The nursing staff of the Ambulatory Surgical Center of Stevens Point will text message or call you approximately one day prior to your scheduled procedure.

Can I drive myself home after my procedure?

NO, You must make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home after the procedure. You may not take public transportation home. We will reschedule your procedure for another time, if suitable arrangements cannot be made to assure your safe travel home.

Patients who are not having anesthesia may drive home with their surgeon’s permission.

Can I stay alone after my procedure?

It is recommended that you have a responsible adult available to you for the 24 hours after your procedure in the event that any problem should arise.

Who do I call if I have questions before my procedure?

Our staff will gladly answer any of your questions. Please give us a call at 715-345-0500 Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00am and 5:00pm and ask to speak with a nurse.

When should I complete my on line registration?

Please complete this as soon as you leave the surgeon’s office.  We need it completed at least 7 days before your day of arrival to assure you are properly screened prior to your procedure. If you need assistance, please contact our office at 715-345-0500.

Are there any medication restrictions?

You will be instructed by a nurse the day before your surgery on which medications to take. If you are currently taking anticoagulants such as Coumadin or Plavix, aspirin or products containing aspirin, contact your primary care provider or physician immediately for instructions on taking these medications. If you are taking diet suppressants or herbal supplements, please discontinue taking them 14 days prior to your scheduled procedure due to a possible reaction with anesthesia.

What should I wear on the day of surgery?

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes and remove jewelry and nail polish, metal hair accessories and body piercing jewelry. Ensure your clothing adapts to a sling, knee immobilizer, and bulky dressing if needed.

What should I bring with me on the day of surgery?

All patients: Bring a photo ID and your insurance card. You must have someone responsible to drive you home.

Foot & Knee Scope: Bring your crutches if you have them. Wear or bring loose/comfortable pants and easy slip on shoes.

Shoulder, Arm or Hand Surgery: Bring or wear a loose-fitting clean shirt and wear elastic waist pants and easy slip on shoes.

Hip or Knee Replacement: Bring a walker if you have one. Bring your CHG bath slip with you. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable pants/shorts.

Cataract: Start your eye drops on Sunday and bring your eye drops with you to surgery. If your anesthesia for surgery is TOPICAL only, you can eat breakfast and a light lunch the day of surgery and take your medication as prescribed.

Eye lid Repair: Bring your ointment with you to surgery.

What will the procedure cost me?

We can provide anticipated out of pocket quotes that encompasses the surgery, the surgeons fee and the anesthesia fee. Please call our office well in advance (5-7 days) of your procedure.

WHAT TO EXPECT: After Surgery

Do I need to have someone stay with me after my surgery?

You should plan to have a responsible adult remain with you for 24 hours after your procedure in the event any problem should arise.

Can I expect a call from the center the next day?

We will send you a text message or call you, however feel free to reach out to us if you have questions. We can be reached Monday through Friday from 6:00am to 5:00pm at 715-345-0500.

Can I remove my bandage if it appears to be bleeding through?

NO: If you have concerns with post operative bleeding or any other concerns related to your dressing, please call your surgeon’s office for instructions. If you change your own bandage you risk acquiring a post operative infection.

What if my pain level becomes intolerable?

Call your surgeon’s office. Their contact information will be on your discharge instructions that are provided when you departed from the surgical center.

When will I receive my first bill?

It varies by insurance. We send out the first statement after your insurance has paid their portion.

Why did I receive 3 separate bills?

We are an independent surgical center and not part of a larger system. As a result, you will receive 3 separate bills for your procedure. One bill will be from the Surgical Center, another will be from the surgeon’s office and if you received anesthesia, you will receive your third bill from the anesthesia provider, which is Stevens Point Anesthesia.

I received my first statement. Can I pay over time?

The surgical center expects payment within 3 months after your insurance has paid. If you are unable to pay within 3 months, we offer a finance option. Please contact the surgical center at 715-345-0500 to learn more about this option.

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